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Fourteen years later Alois Hugo Nellmapius – a businessman who established a transport business between Lorenzo Marques and Pilgrims Rest, as well as a Gin & Whisky factory, the first gun powder factory in South Africa and the Irene Lime works – two thirds of the Doornkloof farm from Daniel and Stephanus Erasmus their two thirds of the farm Doornkloof, i.e. the Northern and Western portions; Michiel retained his South-Eastern third until he died in 1896 when it passed to his son Elardus. Nellmapius had “grandiose schemes for the development of his pet project – the model farm at Irene” He began to experiment with different crops, but not limiting himself to agriculture, he also established a “stock farm and dairy, for which he imported seventy Friesland cows.”

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